Thursday, May 16, 2013

Screencast Reflection

1.       How do you think you did?                                                                                                                         I Think I did a very solid job creating my screencast and I think people will be able to learn from it.
2.       Do you think your audience will be able to complete that tasks given based on your tutorial?                         I believe my audience will be able to complete the task based on my directions because I gave very detailed and solid instructions about my topic.
3.       What was easy and what did you have trouble with?                                                                                    It was easy preparing for what I was going to say but it was hard to actually record it because more than once I had trouble saying what I wanted to.
4.       How could you use this web 2.0 tool in the future?                                                                                       I could use it in a similar fashion and show people how to do something on the computer that I am good at.
5.       Other thoughts . . .                                                                                                                                                       I don't think I will use a screencast again.

iGoogle Screencast

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Career Wages

The first career I'm interested in is being a pharmacist. The national average wage is $114,950 and the state average for Michigan is slightly lower at $113,100. Pharmacist is a high paying career. The next career is a psychiatrist. They make $177,520 a year nationally and $183,730 in Michigan. The third career I'm interested in is a nuclear engineer. Nuclear engineers nationally make $107,140 and in Michigan make about $118,300, much more than the national average. After this career my next career is a Mathematician. They average a salary is $101,280 nationally and  $97,490 in the state of Michigan. My final career is a General Pediatrician. Nationally they make $167,640 a year and in the state of Michigan they make about $152,670. After seeing this it opens my eyes that there is an immense difference between wages at the national and state level. Also different careers have larger earnings than I though so that is very interesting.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Mom (Kim Yambor)

1. Where do you work?
   Perrysburg Pediatrics

2. What is your position? 
   RN (Registered Nurse) Clinical Lead

3. What kind of work do you do?
   Patient care, management of personnel and supply ordering, and the education of new incoming nurses.

4. What type of degree was needed?
   4 year degree

5. Do you enjoy your job?  How do you feel when you are getting ready for work - are you dreading going in or are you happy?  Now I realize people go to work to make a living but that doesn't mean people don't like working.  We are interested in how you feel about your job.  What kind of work do you do?
   My mother said she loves the patient care involved in her job but does not enjoy the drama involved in personnel management. Every morning she is happy to go to work and loves what she does even after 22 years of doing it.

Dad (John Yambor)

1. Where do you work?
   JAK Concrete Construction

2. What is your position?

3. What kind of work do you do?
   He pours all kinds of concrete. He does everything from foundations to driveways. On top of this he is also in charge of paperwork.

4. What type of degree was needed?
   3 year apprenticeship 

5. Do you enjoy your job?  How do you feel when you are getting ready for work - are you dreading going in or are you happy?  Now I realize people go to work to make a living but that doesn't mean people don't like working.  We are interested in how you feel about your job.  What kind of work do you do?
   He really enjoys his job and loves do get up every morning and go out and do it. His favorite part is seeing his finished product after he worked hard for some time.He likes the feeling of accomplishment that comes when he looks at his finished products after hoours of manual labor.

Emerging Technology, Part 1

       On the site that included multiple examples of different Emerging Technology I chose to learn about a new Light-Field Camera by Lytro that allows the user to edit a picture in ways that were never imagined possible. The new camera by Lytro can make a picture clearer and sharper after the picture is taken which until now was impossible. The Lytro camera also can capture anything in the image in perfect focus no matter how far away the object is, create a 3-D image, and edit old home movies that may be out of focus. The new Light-Field camera isn't completely developed yet but Stanford graduate and Lytro founder Ren Ng is working hard to make the camera a real mass produced product. As it stands, one Lytro Light-Field camera is worth about $399 which is substantially cheaper than the cost of the first prototypes. The Light-Field camera works by using the rays of light that hit the camera and recording their angle at which they hit. It is the future of photography.
       After reading this article I can't help but assume that the technology in the future will be absolutely amazing. Considering the changes that have been made to something as simple as the camera in such a short amount of time I believe everything in technology will evolve and become even more of a driving force in society. I predict that in a few years simple every day tasks like cleaning the house and cooking food will be automated. The article also makes me think that if people are very focused on something as simple as developing the camera then I can't imagine what scientists are working on to improve important things in society like medicine and the economy.
       In the case of my article, what surprised me most was that a simple handheld camera has the ability to do photo-editing  that a computer can't. As an average member of society I believe that the database on a computer is much larger and more sophisticated than the system used on a handheld device but this article contradicted my belief. Since the possibilities are so endless in the world of technology I believe that the camera will continue to evolve and continue to become more and more advanced. By the time I'm out of high school I think the camera will be more affordable and have great available features such as being able to zoom in all the way necessary on something and not have a limit like modern cameras and maybe will also allow on location photo printing that is very efficient and clear.
       From 2009 a technology that is considered emerging that is now being used is the Intelligence Software Assistant. This software helps the user perform simple tasks like making restaurant reservations and giving directions with only the push of a button. This technology is commonly used in smartphones especially iPhones. This software known as Siri and has been used in phones since 2011. This just proves that emerging technology can be reality in a short amount of time.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Quizlet Flashcards

Online A Reflection

        Technology is important in many different ways. It's all around us and is getting nothing but more dominant in every day life. Everything we do as people is revolved around technology, whether it is doing an assignment for school or checking out of the grocery store, we are affected by technology. In the last five years technology has changed because it has become much more advanced. Cellphones for example do much more than just make phone calls now, they surf the web take pictures and videos, and even have a live chat feature which allows the user to see who he/she is talking to face to face.In the next five years, I believe technology will change even more and become more advanced than ever. Everything will be revolved around the newest and best technology. Things will be easier to accomplish and understand.
        For schoolwork, I use all kinds of technology. I use PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and the internet itself to complete different assignments. The internet is a great source for information and helps a lot when there is a need to find information. I also use technology for personal use. I play video games and surf the web daily. I also use my smartphone to communicate with friends. My life would be much different from what it is now if technology did not play a large part in it.
         I think in the future I will use some of the tools I learned about in Online A but not all of them. The main one I will continue to use is the Custom Home Page on iGoogle. It is a very fun place to quickly learn some information and play a few games. The iGoogle is convenient because it allows the user to visit one site instead of multiple sites. I also thing the iGoogle is the most practical tool for lifelong learning. It offers daily information from news sites that allows users to be kept up to date. If you're not in to news though it doesn't have to be on the iGoogle, that's the beauty of the application. You can instead have updates in sports news or anything else that interests you. This is also why the iGoogle was my favorite thing to create.
         A tool that I believe I will never use again is the Social Bookmarking. I do not bookmark things in the first place so the tool is pretty much useless to me. If I do want to share a website I instead will just tell a friend about it and not worry about putting it on my Social Bookmarking page. Because this tool is useless to me in my everyday life, it was also my least favorite one to create.

Friday, March 1, 2013


I listened to a podcast about baseball. It talked about how teams looked at training camp and different prospects from different teams in the league. He went over upcoming stars and how some struggling teams would fair next year. I enjoyed learning about baseball this way because it is much more easy to listen and pay attention to the podcast as opposed to reading a long article. People opt to create a podcast because its easier and more fun to do. The podcast was reliable because it was on ESPN's website.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Technology Article

Twitter recently is having a major problem. Large global organizations, for example Fox News and Burger King, are being taken over by hackers and the hackers then proceed to post untrue information about the company. The most recent case was Burger King. A hacker took over the account and said that the burger place was bought by rival McDonald's. These cases have been going on since July of 2011 when Fox News was hacked and said that president Obama was assassinated. Personal users are also getting hacked. Earlier this month over 250,000 user's passwords and usernames were handed over to the criminals. The major companies understand the risk of getting their account hacked but are willing to take it because Twitter is such a good source for marketing and profit. The idea has been proposed that the large accounts will need a number code along with the password but for now, the users are never safe.

Voki vs. Blabberize

After using both Voki and Blabberize in my opinion Voki is much easier to use because creating the avatar is simply clicking a few buttons and same with recording your voice as the avatar. Compared to Blabberize this is much more simple because Blabberize requires the user to save a picture and then upload it and save an audio file and then upload it. On top of this it is nearly impossible to get the mouth in the correct position. Even with these complications I liked Blabberize more than Voki because it was much more entertaining and practical. I could see myself using it again in the future. For an example, I could use it to convey a message as a specific person for a history project or for any subject.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tracking Teresa

"Tracking Teresa" was a very crazy video. It made me realize that giving out the slightest bit of information about myself can lead a potential predator right to  my doorstep. Teresa only published her user name which indicated she was female, her hobbies, her brother's name and her email address. This information led to the person to find her published posts that had her phone number, her mother's name, and indicated what time of day she would be home during the week. The number of her home phone led him to finding her mother on a reverse search and the address of her home. This allowed him to figure out the schools nearby where she lived. Giving out something as simple as an email address made it simple for the person to find out her home address. The other video "Your Photo Fate" was another eyeopener. All it was, was a girl sending a picture to friend and that picture traveling all around the school and eventually to a pedophile. The video shows not to trust someone that might make the wrong choice. I have given out personal information online before but never my phone number, address or email address. The most important thing to remember while using the internet is to use common sense and realize that when something is posted, everyone can see it and it never goes away.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Digital Footprint

I am proud of my digital footprint because it includes nothing inappropriate or anything that would make me unable to hire as a worker when I become older. I am surprised to see pictures of my family members and myself on Google images when I search my name. There is nothing I'm embarrassed about because nothing bad comes up[ when I search my name although when I searched my name a mugshot of someone came up and that's kind of embarrassing. To keep my carbon footprint impressive enough for me to get a job and get accepted to college I need to keep avoiding the use of profane language and keep a good image for myself.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cyber Bully

The movie Cyber Bully was over dramatic and in some parts silly but it really got a good message across. I mean cyber bullying is real and can cause people serious problems and emotional distress. This happens in real life very often. Numerous people have killed themselves because of some sort of cyber bullying and many others have attempted killing themselves. A difference between real life cyber bullying and the movie that most of the time in the real world the victim of the bullying usually doesn't speak up for themselves. This needs to change because if the bully doesn't realize they're doing something wrong they will not stop hurting more and more people. The movie is a very good example of this. The main bully Lindsay started off by bullying only a small amount by commenting on someone's status every once in a while, but by the end she was completely harassing innocent students. This is exactly like real life because bullies think they're just being funny and not causing any problems.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Netiquette is a mixture of the words network and etiquette and basically means the proper way to behave online. Even if you've never heard the word Netiquette in your life it affects you almost everyday because almost everyday you go online to look something up or to update your status. Netiquette affects all Internet users. When somebody goes online and sees a post that says something he or she disagrees with and responds with a negative comment the user breaks Netiquette rule number 7, keep flame wars under control and hence shows bad Netiquette. Another example of poor Netiquette is seeing a friend's account still open and looking through his private conversations. This is an exact example of breaking rule number 8, respect people's privacy. On top of showing poor Netiquette a regular Internet user can show good and proper Netiquette by sharing their knowledge, respecting other people's time, and remembering that they may only see a computer screen while they are talking to someone online but behind that screen there is a person.

Friday, January 25, 2013

What is Legal?

Music is illegally downloaded everyday and has been like this for some time, but what is considered illegal and what is considered legal? Copyright laws permit the sale of music only with the artist's or group's consent, so by this alone downloading music for free is illegal. The creators of those songs would never give their music away for free if they know that they can make a large profit by allowing sites like iTunes to sell their music for them. That is why Napster was shut down and sued because it prohibited artists from making a profit. Nowadays websites like LimeWire do the same thing as Napster. There is more to what is legal and what is protected by copyright though. What many people don't know is that after legally downloading music the consumer is not allowed to burn a CD and give it away. Even if the person who bought the music receives no profit from the CD it is still illegal. I hope this post makes you realize that before you download music from a file-sharing website just think would you rather pay a buck for a song or $150,000 in fines?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Coldplay v. Satriani

This copyright case was between Coldplay and Joe Satriani. The guitarist in the small relatively unknown band claimed in 2008 that Coldplay stole the tune of their hit song Viva la Vida from the groups 2004 song called "If I Could Fly". Coldplay didn't overreact about the claim because they knew that their song was 100% original. The case ended shortly after it began and Coldplay was not guilty for the claims because the song didn't have great enough similarities to be considered copyrighted.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Research Project Wrap-Up

       While doing the research project I really had a good time because I learned some very interesting things about the country the Bahamas as well as many things about the countries my classmates did. My favorite part of the research project was learning new things about the Bahamas, but I really disliked going to multiple websites to find one simple fact. An example of this is when I tried to find the year the Atlantis Hotel and Resort was made the browser kept giving me results for booking rooms there, not for the year it was made. When I actually presented my project after finding all the information and putting it into a power point I thought I did a very good job of relaying the important points to the class. A weak point of my project was that I am not very good with Microsoft PowerPoint so some of my animations and transitions were not very good. I think Mrs. Fowler should continue giving out this country project because it is a very interesting way to work on researching the internet.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Phone and Computer Convergence

         Ubuntu is the future of technology, but will anyone use it? It is an idea developed by Canonical and includes aspects from the Windows 8 phone and the Android operating system. The phone is going to be pretty amazing, believe me, but the real reason why it is such a big deal is that the users phone and computer will finally be able to be completely connected. The user of this phone that also has a Ubuntu OS on their computer can use their phone to power their desktop. What I mean by this is that when the phone is docked to the computer, the user can completely operate their phone on the computer monitor. This concept was first proposed by Android with their Atrix phone line and docks but no company has tried to sell their phone OS and their computer OS as one system. The Ubuntu phone seems pretty amazing, but does it even have a chance against Android, Apple, or even Windows? The phone and desktop include some very neat and interesting features that make them simple to use and the idea really has great potential. Even if the idea doesn't have great success, it will still act like a starting point for other larger companies to begin experimenting the connection between the phone and the computer.

Ubuntu Article