Thursday, February 21, 2013

Technology Article

Twitter recently is having a major problem. Large global organizations, for example Fox News and Burger King, are being taken over by hackers and the hackers then proceed to post untrue information about the company. The most recent case was Burger King. A hacker took over the account and said that the burger place was bought by rival McDonald's. These cases have been going on since July of 2011 when Fox News was hacked and said that president Obama was assassinated. Personal users are also getting hacked. Earlier this month over 250,000 user's passwords and usernames were handed over to the criminals. The major companies understand the risk of getting their account hacked but are willing to take it because Twitter is such a good source for marketing and profit. The idea has been proposed that the large accounts will need a number code along with the password but for now, the users are never safe.

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