Monday, February 4, 2013

Cyber Bully

The movie Cyber Bully was over dramatic and in some parts silly but it really got a good message across. I mean cyber bullying is real and can cause people serious problems and emotional distress. This happens in real life very often. Numerous people have killed themselves because of some sort of cyber bullying and many others have attempted killing themselves. A difference between real life cyber bullying and the movie that most of the time in the real world the victim of the bullying usually doesn't speak up for themselves. This needs to change because if the bully doesn't realize they're doing something wrong they will not stop hurting more and more people. The movie is a very good example of this. The main bully Lindsay started off by bullying only a small amount by commenting on someone's status every once in a while, but by the end she was completely harassing innocent students. This is exactly like real life because bullies think they're just being funny and not causing any problems.

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