Thursday, January 17, 2013

Research Project Wrap-Up

       While doing the research project I really had a good time because I learned some very interesting things about the country the Bahamas as well as many things about the countries my classmates did. My favorite part of the research project was learning new things about the Bahamas, but I really disliked going to multiple websites to find one simple fact. An example of this is when I tried to find the year the Atlantis Hotel and Resort was made the browser kept giving me results for booking rooms there, not for the year it was made. When I actually presented my project after finding all the information and putting it into a power point I thought I did a very good job of relaying the important points to the class. A weak point of my project was that I am not very good with Microsoft PowerPoint so some of my animations and transitions were not very good. I think Mrs. Fowler should continue giving out this country project because it is a very interesting way to work on researching the internet.


  1. You did a really good job on your presentation!

  2. Tony, you are the man. I have never seen a better PowerPoint in my life. You were so detailed in your descriptions, I thought you would have lived there! Someday, I want to be as smart as you, kiddo.

  3. Dude you did good. That coming from me so you should be proud. the best part of your presentation was how you memorized everything. The only thing that would have made it better would be............................................................................................................. if you dressed up

  4. hii there JT (: you did ahhmazing up there, lets go to the Bahama mama

  5. Tony that was probably the best power point i've ever seen in my whole life

  6. Great job on memorizing almost all of you information!
