Friday, December 7, 2012

Technology and Me

I use technology every day in many different aspects of my life. I use my cellphone for hours every day, I also watch television, go on the computer, and play video games. Technology is a large part of my life because it always effects what I am doing. For example, if there is a homework assignment and I have to find information for I will use my computer or phone, not an encyclopedia or dictionary. Technology can help me do anything from communicating with my friends, no matter where they are, to warming up something to eat that was from dinner last night. Without technology my life would not be the same because I depend on it so much and take it for granted. When the power goes out I don't even know what to do with myself because I depend on technology to entertain me. So basically, my life would not be the same without technology.


  1. i also use technology to do my homework and play video game (i am better then you at video game and b-ball)

  2. I agree with Sajan. Technology is very usefull when it comes to homework.

  3. im hungry and cant wait till lunch.
