Thursday, May 16, 2013

Screencast Reflection

1.       How do you think you did?                                                                                                                         I Think I did a very solid job creating my screencast and I think people will be able to learn from it.
2.       Do you think your audience will be able to complete that tasks given based on your tutorial?                         I believe my audience will be able to complete the task based on my directions because I gave very detailed and solid instructions about my topic.
3.       What was easy and what did you have trouble with?                                                                                    It was easy preparing for what I was going to say but it was hard to actually record it because more than once I had trouble saying what I wanted to.
4.       How could you use this web 2.0 tool in the future?                                                                                       I could use it in a similar fashion and show people how to do something on the computer that I am good at.
5.       Other thoughts . . .                                                                                                                                                       I don't think I will use a screencast again.

iGoogle Screencast

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Career Wages

The first career I'm interested in is being a pharmacist. The national average wage is $114,950 and the state average for Michigan is slightly lower at $113,100. Pharmacist is a high paying career. The next career is a psychiatrist. They make $177,520 a year nationally and $183,730 in Michigan. The third career I'm interested in is a nuclear engineer. Nuclear engineers nationally make $107,140 and in Michigan make about $118,300, much more than the national average. After this career my next career is a Mathematician. They average a salary is $101,280 nationally and  $97,490 in the state of Michigan. My final career is a General Pediatrician. Nationally they make $167,640 a year and in the state of Michigan they make about $152,670. After seeing this it opens my eyes that there is an immense difference between wages at the national and state level. Also different careers have larger earnings than I though so that is very interesting.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Mom (Kim Yambor)

1. Where do you work?
   Perrysburg Pediatrics

2. What is your position? 
   RN (Registered Nurse) Clinical Lead

3. What kind of work do you do?
   Patient care, management of personnel and supply ordering, and the education of new incoming nurses.

4. What type of degree was needed?
   4 year degree

5. Do you enjoy your job?  How do you feel when you are getting ready for work - are you dreading going in or are you happy?  Now I realize people go to work to make a living but that doesn't mean people don't like working.  We are interested in how you feel about your job.  What kind of work do you do?
   My mother said she loves the patient care involved in her job but does not enjoy the drama involved in personnel management. Every morning she is happy to go to work and loves what she does even after 22 years of doing it.

Dad (John Yambor)

1. Where do you work?
   JAK Concrete Construction

2. What is your position?

3. What kind of work do you do?
   He pours all kinds of concrete. He does everything from foundations to driveways. On top of this he is also in charge of paperwork.

4. What type of degree was needed?
   3 year apprenticeship 

5. Do you enjoy your job?  How do you feel when you are getting ready for work - are you dreading going in or are you happy?  Now I realize people go to work to make a living but that doesn't mean people don't like working.  We are interested in how you feel about your job.  What kind of work do you do?
   He really enjoys his job and loves do get up every morning and go out and do it. His favorite part is seeing his finished product after he worked hard for some time.He likes the feeling of accomplishment that comes when he looks at his finished products after hoours of manual labor.

Emerging Technology, Part 1

       On the site that included multiple examples of different Emerging Technology I chose to learn about a new Light-Field Camera by Lytro that allows the user to edit a picture in ways that were never imagined possible. The new camera by Lytro can make a picture clearer and sharper after the picture is taken which until now was impossible. The Lytro camera also can capture anything in the image in perfect focus no matter how far away the object is, create a 3-D image, and edit old home movies that may be out of focus. The new Light-Field camera isn't completely developed yet but Stanford graduate and Lytro founder Ren Ng is working hard to make the camera a real mass produced product. As it stands, one Lytro Light-Field camera is worth about $399 which is substantially cheaper than the cost of the first prototypes. The Light-Field camera works by using the rays of light that hit the camera and recording their angle at which they hit. It is the future of photography.
       After reading this article I can't help but assume that the technology in the future will be absolutely amazing. Considering the changes that have been made to something as simple as the camera in such a short amount of time I believe everything in technology will evolve and become even more of a driving force in society. I predict that in a few years simple every day tasks like cleaning the house and cooking food will be automated. The article also makes me think that if people are very focused on something as simple as developing the camera then I can't imagine what scientists are working on to improve important things in society like medicine and the economy.
       In the case of my article, what surprised me most was that a simple handheld camera has the ability to do photo-editing  that a computer can't. As an average member of society I believe that the database on a computer is much larger and more sophisticated than the system used on a handheld device but this article contradicted my belief. Since the possibilities are so endless in the world of technology I believe that the camera will continue to evolve and continue to become more and more advanced. By the time I'm out of high school I think the camera will be more affordable and have great available features such as being able to zoom in all the way necessary on something and not have a limit like modern cameras and maybe will also allow on location photo printing that is very efficient and clear.
       From 2009 a technology that is considered emerging that is now being used is the Intelligence Software Assistant. This software helps the user perform simple tasks like making restaurant reservations and giving directions with only the push of a button. This technology is commonly used in smartphones especially iPhones. This software known as Siri and has been used in phones since 2011. This just proves that emerging technology can be reality in a short amount of time.