Netiquette is a mixture of the words network and etiquette and basically means the proper way to behave online. Even if you've never heard the word Netiquette in your life it affects you almost everyday because almost everyday you go online to look something up or to update your status. Netiquette affects all Internet users. When somebody goes online and sees a post that says something he or she disagrees with and responds with a negative comment the user breaks Netiquette rule number 7, keep flame wars under control and hence shows bad Netiquette. Another example of poor Netiquette is seeing a friend's account still open and looking through his private conversations. This is an exact example of breaking rule number 8, respect people's privacy. On top of showing poor Netiquette a regular Internet user can show good and proper Netiquette by sharing their knowledge, respecting other people's time, and remembering that they may only see a computer screen while they are talking to someone online but behind that screen there is a person.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
What is Legal?
Music is illegally downloaded everyday and has been like this for some time, but what is considered illegal and what is considered legal? Copyright laws permit the sale of music only with the artist's or group's consent, so by this alone downloading music for free is illegal. The creators of those songs would never give their music away for free if they know that they can make a large profit by allowing sites like iTunes to sell their music for them. That is why Napster was shut down and sued because it prohibited artists from making a profit. Nowadays websites like LimeWire do the same thing as Napster. There is more to what is legal and what is protected by copyright though. What many people don't know is that after legally downloading music the consumer is not allowed to burn a CD and give it away. Even if the person who bought the music receives no profit from the CD it is still illegal. I hope this post makes you realize that before you download music from a file-sharing website just think would you rather pay a buck for a song or $150,000 in fines?
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Coldplay v. Satriani
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Research Project Wrap-Up
While doing the research project I really had a good time because I learned some very interesting things about the country the Bahamas as well as many things about the countries my classmates did. My favorite part of the research project was learning new things about the Bahamas, but I really disliked going to multiple websites to find one simple fact. An example of this is when I tried to find the year the Atlantis Hotel and Resort was made the browser kept giving me results for booking rooms there, not for the year it was made. When I actually presented my project after finding all the information and putting it into a power point I thought I did a very good job of relaying the important points to the class. A weak point of my project was that I am not very good with Microsoft PowerPoint so some of my animations and transitions were not very good. I think Mrs. Fowler should continue giving out this country project because it is a very interesting way to work on researching the internet.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Phone and Computer Convergence
Ubuntu is the future of technology, but will anyone use it? It is an idea developed by Canonical and includes aspects from the Windows 8 phone and the Android operating system. The phone is going to be pretty amazing, believe me, but the real reason why it is such a big deal is that the users phone and computer will finally be able to be completely connected. The user of this phone that also has a Ubuntu OS on their computer can use their phone to power their desktop. What I mean by this is that when the phone is docked to the computer, the user can completely operate their phone on the computer monitor. This concept was first proposed by Android with their Atrix phone line and docks but no company has tried to sell their phone OS and their computer OS as one system. The Ubuntu phone seems pretty amazing, but does it even have a chance against Android, Apple, or even Windows? The phone and desktop include some very neat and interesting features that make them simple to use and the idea really has great potential. Even if the idea doesn't have great success, it will still act like a starting point for other larger companies to begin experimenting the connection between the phone and the computer.
Ubuntu Article
Ubuntu Article
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